The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 56: Tomi Kisaragi 4

Chapter 56: Tomi Kisaragi 4

Music: Just Because (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

Thanks. Did Senpai wake up?
*shakes head*

When all this happened… We were at school, right? Maybe we should try going there.
Y’think that’ll help?
Well, you know… That’s where we timeslipped from.
Maybe we can find a clue on how to get back. Anything…

From here, we can move to the left to examine Ryoko again or go talk to Nenji. If we do the latter…

Found ‘em at a convenience store over there.

…we receive more chocolate!

I’m not a big candy guy, so have at it.

Liar! Both this and the Ryoko conversation are completely identical to last time, so we’ll skip going over the rest of it. Let’s just skip to Miwako asking “So how was it?”

Use My Apartment on Miwako Sawatari

The whole building was destroyed.
Oh no…
And, well… No one was there.
I’m sure they’re out there somewhere… Hiding, maybe?

I wonder what else we can find.

Use Sakura High School on Miwako Sawatari

You might be onto something, Miwako. The school. Morimura was always there. So I’m thinking… Maybe there’s a time machine there.
Morimura? You mean our teacher?
Oh yeah. That nurse with the big knockers.

Nenji, please. That’s impolite. The nurse with the big breasts.

She’s from the future too.

Nenji and Miwako are appropriately shocked by this news.

In fact, she came even farther than me.
You gotta be kiddin’ me.

Use My Apartment on Nenji Ogata

But before we head to the school, let’s check out Tomi’s apartment again!

Hey, wait! You stay here, Miwako.

Is that thing with the kaiju?

That glimpse of a scout unit that may or may not be BJ is literally the only thing I wanted to show you here! Back to the hub!

From here, we have to go back through all the preamble dialogue again, so I skipped to the choice.

Use Sakura High School on Nenji Ogata

What about that second-year? We just gonna leave her here?
…Oh yeah.
I’ll stay here with Senpai. You two go on ahead.
‘Ppreciate it.
We’ll come back as soon as we can.

Rough roads over here.

It took a while to get here with that blocked-off road. *Some* of us have our eye on the time.

Music: The Chills (Yoshimi Kudo)

A Sentinel…

Another kaiju thing?
No. This is… Sentinel No. 13.

We got kaiju-fightin’ robots now? The future’s wild, man. But I guess in the end… It lost, huh.


Even if we tried to climb down, the other side’s no better. Guess we gotta turn back and take the long way around.
Let’s do it soon. I’m worried about Miwako.

Consider Sentinel No. 13

(The last time I saw this thing… It was right before I got taken away.)

Music: IMMINENT (Yoshimi Kudo)

This shot is mostly too dark to make out, but uh, trust me, in motion it’s clear there’s a girl running into frame. Darn fade-in.

Please don’t trouble me any further. Come. We must evacuate.
Just gimme a second! I’m not leaving without my mom.
You must. You’re the only one capable.

Listen to me.

We’re already within their attack range.

I’m going to take them on.
What are you doing piloting that?
This is Sentinel No. 13. There’s no one else who can pilot it but me. Sorry to rush you, but we’re running out of time.

The holographic display disappears.

Change of plans. Juro Izumi’s made his choice. His nanomachines aren’t going to hold much longer. If we don’t begin the test now, we’ll miss our chance. The evacuation can wait. Hurry and bring that girl over.

Interesting, but a little light on new information. Honestly, that’s a lot of Tomi’s story so far.